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杨红梅, 叶少萍, 郑富海, 张俊涛, 阮桑
立体绿化采用轻型基质能够减少一定的荷载,基质持水性良好则有利于植物生长和降低管养成本。配制 5 种立体绿化轻型基质,通过蓄水盆栽培试验,研究不同基质对垂盆草(Sedum sarmentosum)生长的影响;在获得最优基质配方的基础上,研究了 AX、ZK、HS、QK、MH 保水剂对基质含水率变化的影响,并以广州市南方都市报南都楼和生活楼楼顶立体绿化为例,探讨轻型基质应用技术。结果表明:供试 5 种基质对垂盆草生长的影响存在差异,其中以园林废弃物堆肥、泥炭土、陶粒按照体积比4 ∶ 3 ∶ 3 混匀配制的轻型基质栽培效果最优,最快 120 d 达到 100% 覆盖,且叶绿素含量高和肉质化程度均高于其它处理。从添加保水剂处理来看,添加 ZK 的基质初始含水率较 CK 处理高出 14.67%,第 12天时含水率仍维持在 62.90%,保水效果较优。此外,将研究获得的轻型基质应用在广州市南方都市报南都楼和生活楼楼顶绿化中,佛甲草(Sedum lineare)、金叶假连翘(Duranta repens ‘Variegata’)、红花檵木(Loropetalum chinense var. rubrum)等植物表现出良好的长势。
关键词:   立体绿化;轻型基质;持水性
Research on Technology and Application of Light Substrate in Three-dimensional Greening
YANG Hongmei, YE Shaoping, ZHENG Fuhai, ZHANG Juntao, RUAN Sang
Guangzhou Institute of Forestry and Landscape Architecture,Guangzhou
Application of light substrate in three-dimensional greening can reduced certain loads. The substrate with good water holding capacity bene?t plant growth and reduce maintenance costs. The study focused on the effects of ?ve different kinds of light substrate on the growth of Sedum sarmentosum through the water storage pot cultivation experiment. Based on the optimal substrate formulation, the effect of AX, ZK, HS, QK and MH water retaining agents on the change of substrate water content were investigated. The three-dimensional greening of Nandulou and the living building roof of Nanfang Metropolis Daily was taken as an example to discuss the application technology of light substrate. The results showed that there were differences among the effects of the ?ve substrates tested on the growth of S. sarmentosum. The light substrate with garden waste compost, domestic peat and ceramsite mixed at the volume ratio of 4:3:3 is the best. It can reach 100% coverage in 120 days, and the chlorophyll content and meat quality are higher than other treatments. Data analysis of water retaining agent showed that the initial water content of the retaining added with ZK was 14.67% higher than that of CK group, and the water content was still maintained at 62.90% on the 12th day. Additionally, the light substrate used in this study can adapt to the growth of plants such as Sedum lineare, Duranta repens ‘Variegata’ and Loropetalum chinense var. rubrum planted in the three-dimensional greening of Nandulou and the living building roof of Nanfang Metropolis Daily.
Key words:   hree-dimensional greening; light substrate; water holding capacity