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蔡守平1, 何学友1, 林和再2, 宋海天1, 郑宏3, 尹丽钦4, 何金源5
1.福建省林业科学研究院、国家林业局南方山地用材林培育重点实验室;2.漳浦县林业局 福建 漳浦;3.龙岩市新罗区森林病虫害防治检疫站;4.闽清县林业局;5.福建省平和天马国有林场
油桐鹰尺蠖Biston suppressaria (Guenée) 是一种杂食性食叶害虫,近年来在速生桉树林分中大 面积发生,造成较大的损失。文中研究了不同来源金龟子绿僵菌Metarhizium anisopliae 菌株生长与产孢 特性及对油桐鹰尺蠖幼虫的致病力,旨在筛选出高效防治该虫的生物资源。试验结果表明:不同来源的 绿僵菌菌株间菌落生长速度和产孢量差异显著,MaZPTR-01 菌株15 d 的菌落直径为6.5 cm,显著较其它 菌株大;MaFZ-13 和MaZPTR-01 菌株培养15 d 产孢量最高,分别为1.33×108 孢子· cm-2 和1.28×108 孢 子· cm-2。致病力测定结果表明:不同菌株对油桐鹰尺蠖幼虫的致病力存在显著差异,其中接种MaFZ-13 和MaZPTR-01 菌株的幼虫校正死亡率、僵虫率均较其它菌株高,接种后15 d 幼虫校正死亡率分别达到 94.5%、92.7%,僵虫率分别为75%、61.7%;这2 个菌株的致死中时(LT50)显著比其它菌株短,分别为 4.34 和4.52 d。绿僵菌MaFZ-13 和MaZPTR-01 菌株对油桐鹰尺蠖幼虫的致病力强,且具有良好的生产性 状,可作为该虫的生物防治资源进一步开发应用。
关键词:   金龟子绿僵菌;油桐鹰尺蠖;致死中时(LT50);僵虫率;桉树
基金项目:福建省属公益类科研院所基本科研专项(2017R1011-8),国家重点研发计划子课题(2018YFD0600202),福建省林业科 学研究项目(闽林科〔2017〕3 号),国家林业局南方山地用材林培育重点实验室资助。
Comparison of Pathogenicity of Different Metarhizium anisopliae Strains against Biston suppressaria Larvae
CAI Shouping1, HE Xueyou1, Lin Hezai2, SONG Haitian1, ZHENG Hong3, ZENG Liqiong4, HE Jinyuan5
1.Fujian Academy of Forestry,The Key Laboratory of Timber Forest Breeding and Cultivation for Mountainous Areas in Southern China,Fuzhou;2.Forestry bureau of Zhangpu County,Zhangpu;3.Forestry Diseases and Pests Control Station of Xinluo District,Longyan City,Longyan;4.Forestry bureau of Minqing County,Minqing;5.Tianma National Forest Farm,Pinghe
Biston suppressaria is a omnivorous defoliator which occurred in large area of eucalypt forest and caused enormous losses. For search the biocontrol resource for this pest, pathogenicity of different Metarhizium anisopliae strains against B. suppressaria larvae was compared. The results showed that there were significant differences in hyphal growth and sporulation among different strains. Colony diameter of MaZPTR-01strain was 6.5 cm 15 days after cultured on plate medium, which was significant bigger than other strains. Sporulation of MaFZ-13 and MaZPTR-01 were 1.33×108 and 1.28×108spores · cm-2 when 15 days after cultured on plate medium. Results of bioassay showed that virulences of different M. anisopliae strains against B. suppressaria larvae were significantly different. The corrected mortality and muscardine cadaver rates inoculated with MaFZ- 13 and MaZPTR-01 were significant higher than other strains. The median lethal time (LT50) of these two strains were shorter than other strains, which were 4.34 and 4.52 d respectively. The results showed that MaFZ-13 and MaZPTR-01were high virulent strains against B. suppressaria larvae with good production trait, which could be further researched and developed as a potential biocontrol agent against B. suppressaria.
Key words:   Metarhizium anisopliae; Biston suppressaria; median lethal time (LT50); muscardine cadaver rate; Eucalyptus spp.