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陆恒1, 冯永军2, 陈泽雄1, 李涛3, 黎明3, 吕浩荣1, 邹洁建4
为掌握佛山新城区域特别是登泷沙岛及邻近区域的鸟类现状,为该区域后续规划建设方案提 出鸟类多样性的保护建议,2013 年 11 月至 2014 年 10 月,采用样线法对佛山新城登泷沙岛及邻近区域的 鸟类进行了调查,结果如下:1)共记录鸟类 60 种,隶属于 11 目 29 科。雀形目鸟类最多为 17 科 34 种, 占鸟类总种数的 56.67%;国家 II 级保护鸟类 2 种。居留型以留鸟为主(40 种),其次为冬候鸟 13 种,夏 候鸟和旅鸟分别为 5 和 2 种;2)在区系方面,东洋种与古北种比例相近,说明两大区系成分在该区域相 互渗透,具有交错重叠分布的特点;3)在林地灌丛、水域滩涂、草地和农田 4 种生境中,林地灌丛生境 的 Shannon-Wiener 多样性最高,草地生境的鸟类均匀度指数(Pielou 指数)最高,草地生境和农田生境 的鸟类群落结构相似性系数(Sorenson 指数)最高。根据登泷沙岛及邻近区域鸟类的分布特点,提出了 总体布局、分区设计的鸟类恢复建议。
关键词:   佛山新城;鸟类群落;多样性;恢复
Distribution Characteristics of Birds in Denglongsha Island and Its Adjacent Areas of Foshan New City
LU Heng1, FENG Yongjun2, CHEN Zexiong1, LI Tao3, LI Ming3, LU Haorong1, ZOU Jiejian4
1.Foshan Newcity Landscape Engineering Limited Company;2.Guangdong Institute of Applied Biological Resources;3.Guangdong Forestry Government Service Center;4.Guangdong Wildlife Rescue Center
To understand the distribution characteristics of birds in Denglongsha Island and its adjacent areas of Foshan New City, and to make the corresponding restoration suggestions for birds in this region, we conducted bird survey using line transects from November 2013 to October 2014. Our results showed that: 1) A total of 60 species were recorded, belonging to 11 orders and 29 families, and the majority of those are passerine birds, accounting for 56.67% of the total bird species (34 species in 17 families). Among all the birds, two were listed as class II protected species in China. Resident birds were dominant (40 species), followed by winter migrants (13 species), summer migrants (5 species) and transient migrants (2 species), respectively.2)According to the animal geographical region in China, the proportion of Oriental species were similar to that of Palaearctic species, indicating that the mutual penetration of Oriental species and Palaearctic species occurred in this region,and both of them had an overlap in distribution. 3) Among the four habitats of forest shrub, water tidal flat, grassland and farmland, the Shannon-Wiener diversity in forest shrub habitat is the highest, whereas the Pielou’s index in the grassland habitat is the highest. The Sorenson index in grassland and farmland is the highest. Based on these results, restoration suggestions for birds in this regions were made.
Key words:   Foshan newcity; bird community; diversity index; restoration suggestions