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美高梅 广州 510520
为研究轻基质与黄心土两种不同基质育苗效果,选用木荷(Schima superba)、桃花心木 (Swietenia mahagoni)、闽楠(Phoebe bournei)、红锥(Castanopsis hystrix)、红桂木(Artocarpus nitidus) 5 个主要造林树种,开展轻基质与黄心土育苗对比试验。结果表明:轻基质苗保存率总体比黄心土苗高 1 个百分点;轻基质苗高、径生长量明显优于黄心土苗,平均苗高高出 16.3 cm,平均地径高出 0.3 cm;生 长节律比较显示:芽苗移栽后,轻基质苗比黄心土苗恢复快,高、径生长快,且苗木整齐均匀,轻基质 苗高和地径的变异系数分别比黄心土苗低 1 个和 5 个百分点。因此认为轻基质育出的种苗质量高。
关键词:   轻基质;黄心土;苗木质量
基金项目:广东省属科研机构改革创新领域项目 “珍贵树种培育创新团队建设”(20168070701008),“优良乡土阔叶树种无性快繁关键技术开发与产业化”; (2014KJCX001-01) 。
Comparsion of Seedling Quality between Two Different Medium of Schima superba etc.
lian Huiming
Guangdong Academy of Forestry
In order to compare the effect of seedling raising with two different medium( light weight medium and yellow soil), comparison experiment was carried out with half-sib bud seedling of Schima superba, Phoebe bournei, Swietenia mahagoni, Castanopsis hystrix and Artocarpus nitidus. The results showed that the total preserving rate of light weight medium was higher than yellow soil, and the height and ground diameter of light weight medium seedlings were signifcantly better than yellow soil seedlings. Growth comparison of 5 broadleaf tree species in 16 months display bud seedlings planted in light weight medium is rapid return to normal growth. The height and ground diameter grow faster than that in yellow soil all the year. After 16 months, the seedling variation in light weight medium was less than that in yellow soil, but the seedling quality in light weight medium was better than that in yellow soil .
Key words:   light weight medium; yellow soil; seedling quality