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文章对位于佛山市西南城区中心地段的西南公园的植物种类及配置进行了系统调查,从景观效果、生态功能和社会功能的角度对植物配置进行分析与评价。调查显示,绿化改造后公园的主要景点包括西门入口、湿地园、棕榈园、瑶台承露等的景观效果均有明显提升,其植物资源较为丰富,现有园林植物计 71 科 162 属 223 种,其中乔木 32 科 76 属 107 种,灌木 33 科 45 属 55 种,草本 27 科 51 属 61种。建议增加观花藤本植物和蕨类植物的应用。
关键词:   佛山市;西南公园;植物配置;生态园林
A Study of Plant Species and Plant Con?guration in Foshan Xinan Park
Foshan sanshui district xinan street municipal manage department
This paper investigated the plant species and con?guration of the Xinan Park in the southwest of Foshan city, and analyzed and evaluated the plant con?guration from the view of landscape effect, ecological function and social function. The survey showsed that the main attractions of the park after the renovation included the west entrance, wetland garden, palm garden, Yaotai stream landscape, etc, and the landscape effects had improved signi?cantly. Plant resources are abundant, and there are 223 species garden plants belong to 162 genera and 71 families. Among them, there are 32 families, 76 genera and 107 species of arbor, 33 families, 45 genera and 55 species of shrubs, and 27 families, 51 genera and 61 species of herbage. It is recommended increasing the use of ornamental ?owers of vines and ferns.
Key words:   A Study of Plant Species and Plant Con?guration in Foshan Xinan Park