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水鹿(Cervus equinus)保护及其生境的规划需要明确其在不同空间尺度的分布格局而采取相 对应的措施。该文基于实地调查和文献资料分析,研究了广东省水鹿在省级和保护区级两种空间尺度下 不同生态功能区的分布格局。结果表明,在广东省,水鹿主要分布于南岭中亚热带常绿阔叶林生物多样 性保护与水源涵养生态区,其分布区域属省级生态功能区,生境质量较好,保护地位重要;在车八岭国 家级自然保护区,水鹿多活动于人为干扰大的缓冲区与实验区,保护程度有待提高。建议以自然保护区 为节点基础,开展就地保护;在条件较好的保护区之间建设大型生态廊道,增加破碎化生境的连通性, 加强水鹿个体交流;同时应在保护区实施“全区覆盖”式管理,特别是在缓冲区和实验区严格控制人为 干扰,加强对水鹿及其生境的巡护管理。
关键词:   水鹿,分布,保护
分类号 S863
Protection Countermeasures and Distribution Patterns of Cervus equinus in Guangdong Province
SHU Zhufei,LU Xueli,WANG Xincai,XIAO Ronggao and SONG Xiangjin
Guangdong Institute of Entomology,Guangdong Institute of Entomology,Guangdong Chebaling National Nature Reserve,Guangdong Chebaling National Nature Reserve
The protection and growth environmental planning of Cervus equinus should take the distribution pattern of C. equinus in different spatial scale into consideration and take appropriate measures. Based on field surveys and literature analysis, this paper studied the distribution pattern of different eco-functional regions of C. equinus in provincial and nature reserve spatial scale. The results showed that, in provincial spatial scale, the C. equinus were mainly distributed among biodiversity protection and water conservation area in the midsubstropical evergreen broad-leaved froest which located in Nanling region, Guangdong province. The ecological environment quality in the distribution area is good and the area has an important position in the pvovincial ecological system. In National Nature Reserve of Chebaling, C. equinus had been frequently founded in the buffer areas and experimental areas with more human interferences, which means C. equinus were under lower protected status in nature reserve spatial scale. Using the nature reserves as a base section, in-situ conservation should be recommended for the protection countermeasures. The ecological corridors among neighboring protected areas should also be built, which could increase connectivity of fragmented habitats and strengthen individuals exchanges with C. equinus. Meanwhile covering management in the whole reserve should be implemented, especially in the buffer and experimental zone which should be strictly limited interferences by human. The patrol management of C. equinus and their habitats should also be reinforced.
Key words:   Cervus equinus;distribution;conservation