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李伟雄, 曾雷, 谢继红, 陈颖乐
为了明确园林废弃物等难降解有机物的堆肥腐殖化过程及机制,采用激发- 发射矩阵- 平 行因子分析( EEM-PARAFAC)等多重光谱学方法研究了园林废弃物与鸡粪共堆肥过程中水溶性有机物 ( DOM)的结构特征和演变规律。堆肥理化性质和光谱学分析结果表明,园林废弃物在≥ 50 ℃高温条件 下发酵 170 d 左右达到完全腐熟。随着堆肥腐熟过程, DOM 中来自鸡粪的类蛋白质物质和类富里酸物质 等腐殖化中间产物几乎完全转化为类腐殖质物质。偏最小二乘结构模型( LPS-PM)分析显示,类富里酸 物质转化和类腐殖质物质形成分别是直接和间接影响园林废弃物堆肥腐熟度的重要因素。
关键词:   堆肥;园林废弃物;水溶性有机物;荧光光谱-平行因子分析;偏最小二乘路径模型
Transformation Characteristics of Dissolved Organic Matter during Thermophilic Composting of Agro-forestry Wastes
LiWeiXiong, Zeng Lei, Xie Jihong, Chen Yingle
Guangdong Academy of Forestry
In order to clarify the humification process and mechanism of refractory organic compounds of agro-forestry wastes, the structural characteristics and evolution of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in the cocomposting process of agro-forestry wastes and chicken manure were studied by excitation-emission matrix spectraparallel factor analysis (EEM-PARAFAC). The results of physicochemical and spectroscopic analyses showed that the agro-forestry wastes could be completely decomposed after 170 d at a high temperature of ≥ 50℃ . With the composting process, the humic intermediates from chicken manure in DOM, such as protein-like substances and fulvic-like substances, were almost completely 美高梅ed into humus-like substances. Partial least-square path model (PLS-PM) analysis indicated that the 美高梅ation of fulvic-like substances and the formation of humuslike substances were the important factors that directly and indirectly affected the maturity of agro-forestry wastes composting, respectively.
Key words:   composting; agro-forestry wastes; DOM; EEM-PARAFAC; PLS-PM