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热处理作为可改善马尾松 Pinus massoniana 木材尺寸稳定性、耐久性和颜色等性能的技术,且 因具有较好的环保性而广泛应用,同时存在易霉变等缺点。热处理过程中,木材中的糖类物质随水分的 挥发而迁移或因高温受热而降解,并伴有木材 pH 值的变化,而木材中的各类糖分含量以及 pH 值是影响 霉菌生长繁殖非常重要的因素。以马尾松木材为研究对象,采用纳米铜原位制备和高温热处理相结合的 方法,单因素法设计实验,探讨不同热处理方法对马尾松木材中可溶性总糖、还原糖、pH 值的影响。研 究结果表明:热处理木材的总糖和还原糖浓度比素材高,含铜热处理材的总糖和还原糖含量比素材低, 且以浓度为 7.70% 的含铜浸渍液处理后再在 220℃ /3 h 条件下热处理的含铜热处理材总糖和还原糖浓度最 低,分别比素材低 48.7%、33.8%,比 220℃ /3 h 获得的不含铜热处理材低 538.7%、61.4%,纳米铜粒子 的引入有效减少了热处理材中各糖类物质,在一定程度上降低热处理木材霉变的风险;热处理木材的酸 碱度值在 4.38~5.10 之间,呈酸性,而含铜热处理木材的酸碱度值在 6.63~7.12 之间,呈弱酸或中性,可 减少容易在酸性环境中生长的霉菌,同时根据不同菌种适宜生长的酸碱度值,能更有针对性的建立防霉 措施,提高木材对特定菌种的防治效力。
关键词:   热处理;糖类物质;还原糖;pH 值
Effects of Heat Treatment on Mildew Environment of Masson Pine Wood
Gao Jie1, Li Lamei1, Xie Guijun2, Li Xingwei1
1.Guangdong Provincial Key laboratory or Silviculture, Protection and Utilization/Guangdong Academy of Forestry;2.(Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Silviculture, Protection and Utilization, Guangdong Academy of Forestry
Heat treatment technology can improve the dimensional stability, durability, and color of masson pine wood, and it is widely used because of its proper environmental protection. However, it has the disadvantages of easy mildew. During the heat treatment process, the saccharides in wood migrate with the evaporation of water or degrade under high temperature, accompanied by changes in the pH value of wood. The content of various sugars in the wood and the pH value are important factors affecting the growth and reproduction of mold. In this study, masson pine wood was taken as the primary object, using a combination of in-situ preparation of nano copper and high-temperature heat treatment. The experiment was designed by single-factor method, to explore the effects of different heat treatment methods on the content of soluble total soluble sugar, reducing sugar, and pH value of masson pine wood. The research results show that: the soluble total sugar and reducing sugar concentration is higher than the untreated material, that of the copper-containing heat-treated material is lower than the un-treated material, and the copper-containing heat-treated materials treated with a concentration of 7.70% and then treated at 220℃ /3 h have the lowest total sugar and reducing sugar concentrations, which are 48.7% and 33.8% lower than the untreated material, and 538.7% and 61.4% lower than the heat-treated material at 220℃ for 3 h, so the introduction of nano-copper particles effectively reduces the content of various sugars of heat treatment material, reduce the mildew risk of heat-treated wood to a certain extent; The pH value of heat-treated wood is between 4.38 and 5.10, which is acidic, and the pH value of copper-containing heat-treated wood is between 6.63 and 7.12, which is weak or moderate, it can reduce molds that are easy to grow in an acidic environment. At the same time, according to the pH value of different strains suitable for growth, it can establish more targeted anti-mold measures and improve the control effectiveness of wood against specific strains.
Key words:   heat-teated ; sugar substance; reducing sugar; pH value