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1.韶关市曲江区国有小坑林场;2.广东省森林培育与保护利用重点实验室 / 美高梅
2014—2020 年,对粤北地区油茶 Camellia oleifera 良种基地有害生物种类及危害情况进行调 查。结果表明,良种基地危害油茶的有害生物共 75 种,其中有害植物 4 种、病害 9 种、虫害 62 种,油 茶象甲 Curculio chinensis 和锦天牛 Acalolepta sp. 为严重发生种类。概述了主要病虫害的防治方法。
关键词:   良种基地;油茶;有害生物;防治
基金项目:广东省自然科学基金 (2018A030310690),韶关市曲江区小坑林场国家杉木油茶良种基地林业有害生物调查 (2020ZH048)。
Investigation and Control on Harmful Organisms of Breeding Base of Camellia oleifera in North Guangdong
Liu Weixin1, QIU Hualong2, QIN Changsheng2, LU Yuzhou1, YANG Hua2, LIAN Tao3, TIAN Longyan2
1.Xiaokeng Forest Farm in Qujiang District of Shaoguan;2.Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Silviculture, Protection and Utilization/Guangdong Academy of Forestry;3.Guangdong Forestry Academy
Harmful organisms of breeding base of Camellia oleifera were investigated in North Guangdong during 2014-2020, the result showed that: there were 75 species, contained 4 species of harmful plants, 9 species of diseases and 62 species of pests. Among which, C. chinensis and Acalolepta sp. were serious damaged species. Control methods of main pests were discussed also.
Key words:   breeding base; Camellia oleifera; harmful organisms; control