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黎明1, 陈日强1, 李永泉2, 郭微2, 凡强3, 廖文波3, 王龙远2
对广东省珠海市淇澳岛以红鳞蒲桃Syzygium hancei占优势的海岸带地带性植物群落进行了样方调查和生物多样性分析,结果表明:(1)该群落为典型的海岸带次生林群落,群落外貌四季常绿,林冠起伏明显而连续,乔木层优势种为红鳞蒲桃、山蒲桃Syzygium levinei和山油柑Acronychia pedunculata;(2)该群落共有维管植物36科59属67种,种类组成以典型南亚热带植物区系成分占绝对优势;(3)年龄结构分析显示红鳞蒲桃和山蒲桃种群更新困难,而山油柑和榕树Ficus microcarpa种群处于健康发展的状态,表明群落虽暂时处于稳定状态,但随着群落的发展,乔木层红鳞蒲桃和山蒲桃将被山油柑和榕树替代;(4)种群频度分析结果与Raunkiaer频度定律相一致;(5)物种多样性分析发现Simpson多样性指数SP=0.87,Shannon-Wiener多样性指数SW=3.12,Pielou均匀度指数P=0.74,群落物种多样性指数低于邻近地区类似植物群落。研究显示淇澳岛红鳞蒲桃群落虽暂时处于稳定状态,但建群种更新乏力,人类活动对群落造成持续的干扰,导致群落生物多样性较低。建议加强淇澳岛海岸带植被群落的保护工作,措施包括加强监测,人工干预促进群落建群种更新,从而促使群落生物多样性恢复。
关键词:   珠海;淇澳岛;海岸带;红鳞蒲桃;群落
Characteristics and Species Diversity of Syzygium hancei Community along Coast of Qi’ao Island in Zhuhai City, Guangdong
Li Ming1, Chen Riqiang1, Li Yongquan2, Guo Wei2, Fan Qiang3, Liao Wenbo3, Wang Longyuan2
1.Forestry Administration Service Center of Guangdong Province;2.Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, Zhongkai University of Agriculture and Engineering;3.State Key Laboratory of Biocontrol and Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Plant Resources, School of Life Sciences, Sun Yatsen University
A study on Syzygium hancei community distributed along coast of Qi’ao Island in Zhuhai city, Guangdong province, have been carried out. The results are as follows. (1) The community was a typical secondary forest community with evergreen appearance. The undulating arborous layer was dominated with S. hancei, Syzygium levinei and Acronychia pedunculata. (2) There were 67 species of vascular plants belonging to 36 families and 59 genera in this community. Viewing from the floristic components, it exhibited a typical south subtropical property. (3) Age structure analysis showed that it was diffificult to regenerate in the populations of S. hancei and S. levinei. However, the populations of Acronychia pedunculata and Ficus microcarpa were in a healthy developing state, which indicating that the community was temporarily in a stable state. Along with developing, S. hancei and S. levinei, which dominated in the arborous layer, would be replaced by A. pedunculata and F. microcarpa. (4) The frequency index of the community was consistent with Raunkiaer’s frequency law. (5) The Simpson diversity index SP=0.87, Shannon-Wiener diversity index SW=3.12, Pielou evenness index P=0.74. By comparing with similar plant communities in adjacent areas, the species diversity index of this community was signifificantly lower. This study shows that although the Syzygium hanceicommunity on Qi""ao Island is temporarily in a stable state, the renewal of constructive species is weak, and human activities cause continuous disturbance to the community, resulting in low biodiversity in the community. It is recommended to strengthen the protection of vegetation communities in the coastal zone of Qi""ao Island. Measures include strengthening monitoring and manual intervention to promote community establishment and species renewal, in order to promoting the restoration of community biodiversity.
Key words:   Zhuhai;Qi’ao Island;coast;Syzygium hancei;community