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李兵1, 侯晨2, 何波祥2, 梁东成2, 连辉明2, 刘晚传3, 汪迎利2, 黄建雄3
1.广东省林业科技推广总站;2.广东省森林培育与保护利用重点实验室/美高梅 广东 广州;3.信宜市林业科学研究所
澳洲坚果 Macadamia spp. 是山龙眼科澳洲坚果属植物,其具丰富的营养和细腻的口感,有“坚 果之王”的美誉。研究利用医学上广泛使用的 microCT 技术对 5 个澳洲坚果品种(“900”、“695”、A16、 桂热一号和“70”)果实体积、种子体积、种仁体积和种子内部空隙率进行测量和计算,研究结果表明 “900”果实和坚果直径皆最大,而“695”的果实和坚果直径最小;A16 具有最厚的果皮和种壳,“695” 的种壳最薄;“900”的果实最大,A16 和“70”次之,GR 和“695”果实的体积最小;A16、“70”和 “695”种子的空隙率较大,而“900”和 GR 的孔隙率较小;聚类分析结果表明“900”的性状特征与其它 4 个澳洲坚果品种差异最大。5 个品种的从优到劣的排序为“900”、桂热一号、A16、“70”和“695”。
关键词:   澳洲坚果;种子结构;microCT;林木育种
Nondestructive Analysis of Macadamia spp. Fruit Structure by MicroCT
LI Bing1, HOU Chen2, HE Boxiang2, LIANG Dongcheng2, Lian Huiming2, Liu Wanchuan3, Wang Yingli2, HUANG Jianxiong3
1.Guangdong Provincial Forestry Technology Extension Station,Guangzhou;2.Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Silviculture,Protection and Utilization,Guangdong Academy of Forestry/Guangdong Academy of Forestry,Guangzhou;3.Forestry Research Institute of Xinyi City
Macadamia spp. belongs to genus Macadamia and family Proteaceae. Its fruits are rich in nutribution with delicate tastes and known as “the king of nuts”. In previous studies, morphological characters of Macadamia spp. seeds were classified based on conventionally measured characters, and some breeding suggestions were provided. However, the internal structure of Macadamia spp. fruits was complex, and conclusions about germplasm resources optimization merely based on conventional measurement were not convincing. In this study, four characters, i.e. fruit volume, seed volume, kernel volume and interspace proportions were measued and calculated among five Macadamia spp. varieties (“900”, “695”, A16, GR and “70”) using microCT technology, which has been widely used in medical discipline. Together with these four characters, other four characters i.e. fruit diameter, seed diameter, seed coat thickness, and seed shell thickness were measured and further analyzed using a clustering analysis. Our results reveal the quality of Macadamia spp. fruits with the order from the best to the worst: “900”, GR, A16, “70” and “695”.
Key words:   Macadamia spp.; seed structure; microCT; tree breeding