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台风灾害对广州市宫粉紫荆等绿化树种的影响分析* —— 以台风 “ 山竹 ” 为例

魏玉晗1, 魏丹2, 文才臻3, 张 耕2, 代色平4, 杨海燕5
1.广东省岭南综合勘察设计院;2.美高梅 广东省森林培育与保护利用重点实验室;3.广州建筑园林股份有限公司;4.广州市林业和园林科学研究院;5.美高梅 / 广东省森林培育与保护利用重点实验室,
通过调查分析台风“山竹”过后广州市树木受损情况,从城市园林景观修复角度深入探究台 风灾后城市园林景观措施,为我国台风多发受灾地区的城市园林景观修复提供一定的参考和借鉴。经 调查受损树木共有 1 464 株,受损数量最多的前 3 种树木有宫粉紫荆 Bauhinia variegata、红花羊蹄甲 Bauhinia blakeana 和黄槐 Cassia surattensis。天河区的断枝、拦腰折断和连根拔起情况占调查受损树木的 各比例最大,荔湾区的断枝、拦腰折断占调查受损树木断枝、拦腰折断的比例最小;越秀区的连根拔起 情况占调查受损树木连根拔起的比例最小;广州不同绿地类型的树木受损情况具有差异性,其中科研高 校的树木断枝、拦腰折断和连根拔起情况占调查受损树木各情况的比例最大,而城市主干道比例最小。 台风对于城市树木的危害程度与台风风力,树种,种植位置及树木日常养护修剪密切相关。为应对台风 危害,应在易受台风侵袭的地区,选用或培育抗风能力较强市绿化树种,加强日常维护,做好灾害应急 预案,从而降低台风对园林树木的损害。
关键词:   台风“山竹”;绿化树种;抗风性;对策
Effect of Typhoon on Greening Tree Species Such as Bauhinia variegata in Guangzhou and Its Countermeasures
1.Lingnan Comprehensive Surveying and Designing Institute of Guangdong Province;2.Guangdong Academy of Forestry,Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Silviculture Protection and UtilizationGuangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Silviculture,Protection and Utilization/Guangdong Academy of Forestry,Guangzhou
To provide a certain reference for the restoration of urban landscape in typhoon-prone areas in China, we investigated and analyzed the damage of trees in Guangzhou after the typhoon “Mangosteen” and put forward the restoration suggestion for urban landscape. According to the investigation, a total of 1 464 trees were damaged. The top three damaged trees species were Bauhinia variegata, Bauhinia blakeana and Cassia surattensis. In Tianhe District, the situation of branches break, trunk breaks and uprooting accounts for the largest proportion of the damaged trees in investigation, tree damage with branches break and trunk breakin Liwan District and uprooting trees in Yuexiu District showed the smallest proportion of all tree damages in the investigation. The damage situation of trees in different types of green spaces in Guangzhou is different, branches break, trunk break and uprooting occurred more frequently in university campuses than that is in main streets of Guangzhou. The degree of typhoon damage to urban trees is closely related to typhoon wind force, tree species, planting position and daily maintenance. In order to deal with typhoon hazards, measures should be taken including select or cultivate tree species with strong wind resistance as urban greening trees in areas prone to typhoon attacks, strengthen daily maintenance, and make emergence plan to reduce the damage of typhoons to urban trees.
Key words:   typhoon “Mangosteen”; greening tree species; anti-wind ability; countermeasures