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乡村振兴战略背景下古树名木资源文化挖掘与旅游开发* —— 以广东省肇庆市鼎湖区蕉园村为例

黄晓君, 王东秀, 袁金满, 赖银璇
广东省古树名木资源丰富, 并且具有较高的景观、科研和历史价值,研究回归古树名木所在地进行大量的社会调查和实地考察,深入挖掘古树名木及地方文化资料。在此基础上,以广东省肇庆市鼎湖区蕉园村为例,深入挖掘广东省古树名木文化,总结和思考目前乡村振兴战略背景下乡村旅游开发现状,提炼出以“古树名木文化”、“名人望族文化”、“本地民俗文化”为精髓的蕉园村文化内涵系统,并对当地旅游开发模式和景区建设进行了探讨,策划出因地制宜、内涵丰富的文化旅游项目。
关键词:   乡村振兴战略;古树名木; 文化挖掘;旅游开发
A Study of Ancient and Famous Trees’ Culture and Tourism Development in Jiaoyuan Village of Guangdong Province — Perspectives from Rural Vitalization Strategy
Huang Xiaojun, Wang Dongxiu, Yuan Jinman, Lai Yinxuan
Guangdong Eco-engineering Polytechnic
Guangdong province is rich in the ancient and famous trees’ resource, which has high value in landscape, scientific research and history. We conducted large numbers of social investigation and fieldwork to discover the ancient and famous trees and local culture. Finally in this paper, for the example of Jiaoyuan village, Zhaoqing city, Guangdong province for example, we summarized the local cultural system including“ the culture of ancient and famous trees”,“ the culture of established family”,“ the local folk culture” as the essence of the ancient village. Moreover,we tried to discuss the models of ecotourism exploration and the construction of scenic resort, as well as to exploit the characteristic cultural tourism products of the profound culture connotation in this paper.
Key words:   rural vitalization strategy; the ancient and famous trees’ resources; the discovery of culture; tourism development