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对粤北典型次生常绿阔叶林的乔木优势种群结构及分布格局进行了研究,结果表明:(1)乔木层物种46科78属119种,林下植被77科141属227种。根据重要值>5%,群落的乔木优势种为荷木Schima superba,虎皮楠Daphniphyllum oldhamii,刨花润楠Machilus pauhoi,华润楠Machilus chinensis,钟花樱桃Cerasus campanulata,木荷位于林冠最上层,为群落绝对优势种;(2)更新层调查表明,虎皮楠和华润楠幼苗丰富,而木荷和刨花润楠较少,钟花樱桃缺失Ⅰ、Ⅱ幼苗;(3)以径级代龄级分析种群分布格局,荷木种群分布为“M”型、虎皮楠、刨花润楠和华润楠为倒“J”型,钟花樱桃为“L”型,优势种群表现出Ⅰ→Ⅴ为聚集分布,Ⅵ为均匀分布或随机分布,随径级增加,聚集程度总体上呈下降趋势。(4)粤北次生常绿阔叶林群落结构较为稳定、合理,生物多样性丰富,乔木层优势种群具有较强的自然更新能力和长远的演替潜力。
关键词:   粤北 次生常绿阔叶林 优势种群 分布格局
Dominant Population Structure and Distribution Pattern of Secondary =Evergreen Broadleaved Forest in North Guangdong
dominant population structure and distribution pattern of secondary evergreen broadleaved forest was studied in north Guangdong and the results were the follows: (1) there were 119 species in tree layer belonging to 46 Familys , 78 Genus. 227 species in understory belonging to 77 Familys , 141 Genus. Depends on the standed of important value>5%,the domiant tree species are Schima superba,Daphniphyllum oldhamii,Machilus pauhoi,Machilus chinensis,Cerasus campanulata.(2) investigation of regeneration layer indicted that Daphniphyllum oldhamii and Machilus chinensis have lots of young tree,whare Schima superba and Machilus pauhoi are lack of young trees. Cerasus campanulata have no ⅠandⅡyoung trees. (3) Schima superba have M style population distribution pattarn, Daphniphyllum oldhami 、Machilus pauhoi and Machilus chinensis have inverted “J”style,Cerasus campanulata is L style. (4) The structure of secondary evergreen broadleaved forest in north Guangdong are stable and resonable with rich biodiversity, the dominant population in tree layer have strong natural regeneration and succession abliity.
Key words:   north Guangdong, secondary evergreen broadleaved forest, dominant population, distribution pattern