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降香黄檀(Dalbergia odorifera)是我国南方大力推广的乡土珍贵树种之一。2009年12月对广东省肇庆市国有林业总场属下的怀集县大坑山林场、封开县大水口林场和肇庆市北岭山林场进行了降香黄檀造林效果的调查。结果表明:降香黄檀在肇庆市的生长表现良好,能适应当地的立地和气候条件,生长较快。不同的林场,因立地差异在生长上有一定的差异,以大水口林场的降香黄檀林生长最快,胸径年平均生长量为0.97 cm,树高年平均生长量为1.15 m,冠幅年平均生长量为0.80 m;北岭山林场和大坑山林场的生长量小但两地生长相差不大。调查结果还显示,抚育的同时适当修枝有利于幼林生长。
关键词:   珍贵树种 降香黄檀 造林效果 修枝
Early Growth of the Plantations of Dalbergia odorifera in Zhaoqing, Guangdong
Dalbergia odorifera is one of the commonly planted high value indigenous trees in Southern China. The growth of D. odorifera plantations of three forest farms under the General Administration of Zhaoqing National Forestry Farms in the west of Guangdong were investigated in December 2009. The results showed that the growth of D. odorifera were good. It was widely adaptable and fast-growing, but its growth varied with the sites and planting time. Among the three farms, the plantations in Dashuikou grew fast and annual diameter growth was 0.97 cm, height growth was 1.15 m, and canopy width growth was 0.80 m. The plantations in other two farms did not have obvious differences. The results also revealed that green pruning during early tending was good for the growth of the young plantation of D. odorifera.
Key words:   high value tree, Dalbergia odorifera, afforestation effect, green pruning