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为了解我省主要人工林凋落物水源涵养能力和吸水特性,对省内杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata)、马尾松(Pinus massoniana)、湿地松(Pinus elliottii)、马占相思(Acacia mangium)、尾叶桉(Eucalyptus urophylla)、黎蒴(Castanopsis fissa)和毛竹(Phyllostachys edulis)等七种主要人工林凋落物的持水量、持水率和吸水速率进行了研究。结果表明,马占相思、尾叶桉、黎蒴、湿地松、毛竹、马尾松和杉木的凋落物最大持水率分别为284.74%、253.36%、236.47%、226.06%、212.06%、187.68%和181.16%,树种间差异较大。凋落物持水量和持水率均随浸泡时间增加按对数方程增加,无明显差异。7种林分凋落物的吸水速率在不同浸泡时间均为马占相思>尾叶桉>湿地松>毛竹>黎蒴>马尾松>杉木,各林分凋落物吸水速率WA随浸泡时间t的延长按方程WA=a•t-b下降,但方程中系数a、b有很大差异。所以,马占相思凋落物水源涵养能力最强,杉木最弱,阔叶树大于针叶树。
关键词:   广东;人工林;凋落物持水量;凋落物持水率;凋落物吸水速率
Water holding characteristics of litters of seven typical plantations in Guangdong province
Litter amounts, water holding capacity and absorption rates were studied in plantations of Cunninghamia lanceolata, Pinus massoniana, Pinus elliottii, Acacia mangium, Eucalyptus urophylla, Castanopsis fissa and Phyllostachys edulis in Guangdong Province. The proportional water holding capacity as a percentage of the litter dry weight in A. mangium,E. urophylla, C. fissa, P. elliottii, P. edulis, P. massoniana, C. lanceolata plantations were 284.74% , 253.36% , 236.47% , 226.06% , 212.06% , 187.68% and 181.16% , respectively. The total water holding capacity and proportional water holding capacity of litter increased logarithmically according to the equation W=a+bLn(t) with increasing time immersed in water. The water absorption rate of litter was A. mangium> E. urophylla > P. elliottii > P. edulis > C. fissa > P. massoniana > C. lanceolata . Water absorption rates of litter in all plantations decreased according to equation WA=a•t-b with increasing time immersed in water.
Key words:   Guangdong;Plantation; Water holding capacity of litter; Water retention rate; Water absorption rate of litter