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摘要:广东省雷州市九龙山风景区植物共记录有种子植物112科394属579种(包括变种),其中裸子植物7科12属14种,被子植物105科382属565种;其中野生81科294属423种,栽培69科 162属227种;植物区系表现了我国北热带植物区系资源的典型性,植物种类丰富,广布种较多;天然植被以湿地红树林群落和坡地次生季雨林为优势,人工植被以坡地尾叶桉和热带作物等为优势;是一个具有极大科研价值和保存价值的地区。建议加快红树林国家级湿地公园建设,加强其自然资源保护与生态旅游开发力度。
关键词:   关键词:植物区系;植被;雷州市九龙山风景区;国家级湿地公园;广东
The flora and vegetation of Mt.Jiulong Scenic Area in Leizhou City,Guangdong
Abstract: The flora in Mt.Jiulong Scenic Area in Leizhou,Guangdong, which included 112 family 394genus 579species(including varieties). Among them, 7 families 9 genus 14 species belonging to Gymnospermae and 105 families 385 genus 565 species belonging to Angospermae, while having 81 families 294 genus 423 species wild plants and 69 families 162 genus 227 species cultivated plants, showed China’s northern tropical plant resource characteristics with aboundant flora components and rich species diversity and also with a lot of widely distributed species. Its native vegetation was dominated by mangroves in wetlands and the secondary monsoon rain forests,while its cultivated vegetation were dominated by Eucalyptus urophylla forests and other tropical crops.The Mt.Jiulong Scenic Area has great research and conservational value, and should be promoted as a national wetland park so as to upgrade its natural resource conservation and ecotourism.
Key words:   Keywords: flora; vegetation; Mt.Jiulong Scenic Area in Leizhou City; National Wetland Park;Guangdong