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珠海市是广东省最早建立的经济特区之一。由于长期的人类活动,珠海市原生森林早已破坏殆尽,现有的山地森林群落多为人工林和次生植被。应用样方法,在珠海面积较大、林相结构较完整的森林群落中设置了34个面积400 m2的样方,调查和分析了这些山地森林群落的物种组成和植物多样性特点。研究结果表明,珠海市山地森林群落类型主要有风水林、沟谷林和早期次生林,以风水林和沟谷林的物种多样性较高,它们是珠海市宝贵的森林遗产。珠海市的森林群落以樟科、大戟科和山茶科植物最为丰富,茜草科、桃金娘科和桑科等热带植物种类也比较丰富。珠海市的天然林对维持当地生态平衡和区域性生物多样性的保护均具有重要的作用。
关键词:   陆生森林群落 植物多样性 风水林 次生林 珠海市
Study on Forests and their floristic diversity of Zhuhai City, Guangdong, China
Zhuhai City is one of the earliest economic districts of Guangdong Province. Due to long term of human disturbances, all the primary forests have been destroyed. Most of the existing forests are either secondary vegetation or man-made plantations. The floristic composition and diversity of the forests of Zhuhai were studied by plot method. A total of 34 plots of 400 m2 were set up in the well-protected woodlands with sound canopy. The results showed that there were three major types of secondary forests, Fungshui wood, ravine wood, and early stage of secondary forest. Fungshui wood and Ravine wood had higher floristic diversity and are the precious forest relicts. Most of the secondary forests in Zhuhai are dominated by the species of Lauraceae, Euphorbiaceae, and Theaceae. There are also many tropical taxa of Rubiaceae, Myrtaceae, and Moraceae. These natural forests play an important role in maintaining the regional ecological balance and conservation of biodiversity.
Key words:   Terrestrial forest community; Floristic diversity; Fungshui wood; Secondary forest, Zhuhai City