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对9个桉树无性系在黔西南州巧马林场的早期生长的研究表明:无性系间在7月生树高以及20月和34月生树高、胸径和材积性状上的差异均达0.01显著水平,表明优良无性系选择的潜力较大;各性状广义遗传力介于0.01 (D34) ~ 0.22 (H20)之间,表明早期生长性状受较低程度的遗传控制;相同林龄的生长性状间表型相关系数和遗传相关系数均较大,而7月生树高与后期生长的相关随林龄增加而减小。本研究初选出DH32-29、GL-9和1-082为速生的优良无性系。
关键词:   桉树;无性系;早期生长;广义遗传力
Early Growth of Nine Eucalypt Clones in South-western Guizhou Province
This paper presents analyses on early growth of nine eucalypt clones tested in south-western Guizhou Province. The clones differed at 0.01 significance level in all early growth traits, including 7-month-old height (H7) as well as 20- and 34-month-old height, diameter at breast height, and volume, suggesting certain potentials in selection of superior clones. The broad-sense heritability (H2) ranged from 0.01 (D34) to 0.22 (H20), indicating low 美高梅 effects on early growth. Phenotypic and 美高梅 correlations between the growth traits at a specific age were large, while those between seven-month-old height and the elder growth decreased with age. Clones DH32-29, GL-9, and 1-082 were preliminarily selected out on basis of their superior growth.
Key words:   Eucalyptus, clone, growth, broad-sense heritability