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摘要:针对桉树大径材培育,对试验地设置5种栽培密度作主区,5种施肥量作副区。18个月和66个月生的试验调查结果表明:栽培密度与密度×施肥的交互效应对66个月生桉树生长特征影响的差异性达到显著至极显著;木材基本密度和弹性模量在栽培密度各水平之间的差异性也达到显著至极显著。综合密度处理和施肥处理对桉树生长和材性的影响以及经济效益分析,4 m×3.5 m的栽培密度配合施用雷林1号肥800克,桉树大径材的培育效果较理想。
关键词:   桉树 大径材 栽培密度 施肥 经济效益
基金项目:国家十一五科技支持专题 “桉树速生丰产林长期生产力维持与持续经营技术研究”(2006BAD24B0203),“高产优质桉树速生材树种新品种选育”(2006BAD01A154);中国林业科学研究院科技开发基金项目“桉树大径级无节材培育技术”。
Medium-term Research on Cultivation effect of Density and Fertilizing to Eucalyptus for Large-Diameter timber in Lei Zhou Peninsula
Abstract: For Large-diameter timber of eucalyptus cultivation, experiment is conducted as followings: Five kinds of plant density were set as the main area, with another five kinds of fertilizer amount being secondary area. The growth characteristics of experimental forest were investigated in 18 months and 66 months respectively. Meantime, wood traits were also surveyed in 66 months. The final result witnessed that the Density and plant density× fertilization interaction effect of 66 months on the growth characteristics of eucalyptus difference was significant to extremely significant; wood property traits in plant density differences between the various levels is also significant to extremely significant. Integrated impact on density and fertilizer treatments to growth trait and wood properties trait of Eucalyptus, this experiment show that cultivation result of eucalyptus for large-diameter under the conditions of density with 4m×3.5m coordinates fertilizing Leilin1# fertilizer with 800g is ideal.
Key words:   Eucalyptus; Large-Diameter Timber; Density; Fertilizing; Economic benefits