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对湛江地区引入的13个桉树无性系的2年生主要性状进行分析比较, 结果表明:胸径、树高、单株材积、蓄积量等生长性状在不同桉树无性系间在均存在极显著差异;适宜本地区发展的桉树无性系首选为广林9、DH184-1,其次是WC3,再次是DH201-2、D3、DH32-29、灵山优选27无性系;初选出的7个优良无性系2年生平均树高、胸径、单株材积、蓄积生长量、保存率、风折率分别为11.47m、8.31cm、0.034005 m3、80.46 m3/hm2、96.1%、12.1%,达到速生丰产的要求。2年生U6无性系的组培苗无论生长量还是抗风能力均优于扦插苗。
关键词:   湛江地区;桉树;无性系选择
Comparative Analysis of Eucalyptus Clones Growth in Zhanjiang Area
Several main properties of 13 two-year-old clones of eucalyptus were compared and analyzed. The results showed that there were significant difference between 13 eucalyptus clones in DBH, height, and volume respectively. The two top clones suitable for Zhanjiang were Eucalyptus grandis×E.urophylla GL 9, E.urophylla×E.camaldulensis 184. the next were E.wetarensis×E.camaldulensis ,E.grandis×E.tereticonais 201-2, E.urophylla×E.tereticornis D3, E.urophylla×E.grandis DH 32-29, E.urophylla LSYX 27. Seven clones were selected first time. The mean value of 7 two-year-old clones of height, DBH, individual volume, volume, survival rate and wind break percentage were 11.47m、8.31cm、0.034005 m3、80.46 m3/hm2、96.1%、12.1%,respectively, accord to fast growing and high yielding plantation require. The results also indicated that the tissue culture seedlings of E.urophylla U6 clone growth and wind resistance better than rooted cuttings.
Key words:   Zhanjiang City;Eucalyptus;Clone selection